Live in!!!!

Okay, first kinda post in ma blog and I already rant around about some school shit ==


I went into Catholic School called Saint Aloysius as you guys might be curios

and I’m not a catholic


This place is a whole load of crap

and 4 days ago we held this event for us (freshman) called Live In

its this kind of event where you live with villagers for 3 nights and 4 days

So I went there and yay I got cool things such as traditional stuff and food

and as I reach home I got sick


I’m an anemic, and I didnt bring my adding-blood pills

so as I reach home I feel so weak like a blood-less vampire

and all now that Kinetic Blood love bloods


damn I dream a lot of scary dream that I cant remember

but I still feels the scary thrill of it

and I dream of many Kinetic blood and Killerjoys dream

I’ll make KB ff later \O/